Coming Home Soon

Journal entry by Rebekah Troyer — May 3, 2016

Hey everyone, we have plane tickets home for Thursday! This Thursday! Two days from now Thursday!*  Mom is super excited, while I am congenitally suspicious/cautiously optimistic/a lil panicky at the same time, which has basically been our dynamic since my birth.  

We're both exhausted today and having Nice Fights ("No you sit in the one recliner in the waiting room." "No you." "Here, wear my jacket." "No, you wear your jacket."  "You're more tired than me." "You have cancer." ) so I'm going to try to keep this quippy:

  1. Bloodwork looked really good today! Liver and kidneys are doing great, platelets are up, mag and potassium are both normal.  

  2. Immunoglobulin was the only thing that required intervention.

  3. So she's having an infusion right now, but when we leave the hospital this afternoon we (probably*) won't be back until her next chemo cycle starts near the end of May.  

    * I am physically incapable of typing these things without including a disclaimer that nothing is certain, life does not go according to plan, all is chaos and the universe is a grand unknown etc, etc. To the best of my current knowledge we are coming home Thursday.

Rebekah Troyer

Linda’s daughter, Rebekah, helped to document this wellness journey through her own entries.


I Got My Hopes Set High


Wait Wait Wait, Now Go Go Go