Linda Dee Smith used her happy, healthy, yummy cookup method to give herself a wellness routine that sticks. Here she stands ankle deep in the ocean in a purple dress while she wraps a white scarf around her shoulders and looks out at the horizon.


Body. Mind. Spirit.

Enjoy being alive!

Because you are ALIVE...

All things are possible.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Journey with Wellness

The Cookup method is simple:

I’m very busy, and I like to eat healthy, yummy food on a budget.

That’s it!

The HealThee Cook-up was born out of a quest for control over my wellness, but little did I know it would become an affordable, delicious and fun way for me to eat well and enjoy the process.

We all have our reasons – work, kids, school; we’re all busy busy busy. But we all want to eat better.

So how can we make it easy, and dare I say, fun, too?

Farmers market image

Principles of a HealThee Cook-up

  1. Eat the highest quality (organic) nutrient-dense food you can afford.

  2. Healthy and at-the-ready “fast” whole food for the entire week.

  3. One big cook-up and clean-up.

Linda’s Journal

Read about my journey from cancer to wellness.