Unexpected Hospital Stay
Hey guys, I was holding off on writing this until I had more information for you, but details aren't coming as fast as we'd like, and Linda would like your prayers in the meantime.
She's not in danger, but she's in a lot of pain right now. Her right knee doubled in size overnight, for no clear reason. She hasn't fallen or bumped it or twisted it- but she couldn't walk this morning and by noon she couldn't bend it even enough to sit in a wheelchair. It's still swelling and we don't know what's causing it: it's not a known symptom of the transplant, so they admitted her for pain control, tests, and precautionary antibiotics.
She's had an x-ray but will need more scans; we're still in the messy triage part of moving into the hospital (it always feels like it takes at least a day to get things under control at the beginning). They've at least managed to get the pain/nausea med balance rolling pretty quickly, since we were able to just tell them exactly what worked a month ago instead of starting on their standard protocol and tweaking it little by little. She's been in severe pain all day (between 6-9) but I think she's going to be able to sleep soon.
We just got settled into her inpatient room, so I'm going to run back to the apartment. This morning when we came into the hospital it was for her normal Tuesday infusion, and we thought they'd just tell her to stay off of it and ice it for a few days, so we didn't bring toothbrushes or clean underwear. (Rookie mistake. We should probably just keep a go bag in the car.) So now that we're back on the stem cell floor where the nurses are really, really attentive I'm gonna post this and dash home to grab our stuff.
I'll update tomorrow, in the meantime please pray for her.
A gentle, loving reminder: it's very hard for her to communicate when she's in crisis, so blowing up her phone with concern and questions is stressful. Please send your love/well wishes without expecting a response. Basically: Heart emojis, not question marks.