New Beginnings
Hello friends and family!
This morning I am drinking coffee and eating breakfast -- planning my day and realizing that I feel completely and utterly like myself! I woke up and when I looked in the mirror I had my regular Cindy Loohoo curl on the top of my head that made me crack-up:)
I am writing after a much too long hiatus I realize...thanks for your patience and love while Dan and Bekah and I have allowed time to heal some PTSD that we were all feeling. Each one of us in our own way have needed to heal and let time just gently pass. I am so grateful for having almost nine months of healing and gestation for a new beginning.
The first and best news of all is that May 17th I had tests at MD Anderson and was given a CLEAN bill of health! No cancer on scans and excellent blood work! There really are no words to describe the overwhelming joy and relief that we felt in hearing this news!
I have felt every day that I am living on borrowed time somehow. This news brought me to a new level of hope and restoration, where I'm still enjoying the miraculousness and preciousness of healthy living, but without the urgency of living and experiencing NOW because it is going to be over too soon. Because no matter how much gratitude I have for my life -- I was living with a certain level of fear that I wasn't going to make it past the 9 month mark- which was when I became aware of the relapse after the first transplant (5/2015).
Once I got home in the Fall 2016 it was obvious that my absence and trials had also taken their toll on my dear husband. But together with the help of family and friends we feel restored and whole once again. Thank you so much to all for your continued prayers. Bekah too has entered into a new time of her life. She has decided to go back to school and in fact has already started her nursing pre-req courses! Her goal is to become a Certified Nurse Midwife.
Zack is back working and running the farming operation for his Dad. Colt just finished his Sophomore year in Agriculture Business at Penn State and is Zack's right hand man on the farm and together they literally worked around the clock to get all the potatoes planted already. They are an amazing force!
I have a few irons in the fire that I wanted to let you all know about. It took me several months to decide not to go back to the classroom. I feel that God is reminding me of a lot of gifts and talents that I have to share and can use in my NEW BEGINNING.
One thing is that I started a website: My initial idea was to do an online journal after many requests from you all and so that is on there. I'm calling it Alive blog -- get it?!:) So you can keep up with me from now on at that site. I am discontinuing my Caring Bridge blog and picking it up from there. I'll make sure that I post a link to Facebook each time and hopefully will work out the email signup on the website soon.
Disclaimer: This website is a work in PROGRESS... thanks for your patience! I am open to any good technical website-building ideas, thoughts, etc that you have for me!
The other projects you will notice on there include: my new endeavors:
1. Teaching private voice lessons (I have openings for new students)
2. SeaWing: an acoustic duo with my friend Steve Sears (SEArs and WINGerter) - we have some upcoming events
3. SING!-- TBA dates for 2017
4. Wedding Officiant-- I found out that I am uniquely qualified to be a wedding officiant this year!
So check it out!
My love and gratitude to you all for your love prayers of healing and hope have saved my life and I am here to be a help to you in any way that I can. My goal is to allow my life to flow in that way always. Please let me know your thoughts and ideas about how this new direction in my life can be of service to you.