Linda Dee Smith, MA, CINHC

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Wait Wait Wait, Now Go Go Go

Dear All loved ones,
I arrived early to the George Bush Houston airport to see if I could get an earlier flight-- NO LUCK-- however I got my flight switched to Feb 22 for the return- HALLELUJAH!  TWO WEEKS AT HOME!!  Don't get any crazy ideas though-- I'm going to hibernate and stay healthy-- I CANNOT GET SICK.  (Of course i know I am the one that gets a lot of crazy ideas -- so that was more for me than you).

Over the last 5 months I have completed 6 rounds of a clinical trial called MT-3724 at MDAnderson (what I refer to as my "beauty rest").  

The scan shows more than 3/4 reduction in the size of my largest tumor that is left-- others are completely resolved.  I am feeling strong and most of the time fairly energetic-- Keeping in touch with Dan and kids and family, friends-- taking 3-5 mile walks many times a week-- Getting caught up on Downton Abbey--Eating my beloved paleo food-- attending church and Bible study at Lakewood Church-- meeting with new friends for coffee, laughs and conversation-- helping a new friend in her quest to learn Spanish-- Dog sitting for Dixie -- jamming with Rich in his studio-- starting a new tumblr blog-- oh yeah and getting my beauty rest at the hospital...

I was sort of floating along happily with this schedule until -- YESTERDAY-- I finally met with the bone marrow transplant guy Dr. Issa Khouri and my nurse coordinator Susan.  In about 5 minutes flat they told me everything that I will go through in the next 5 months... Shocked me right out of my reverie...chemo/transplant/month or more in hospital/5 months away from home...but honestly you know what made me cry?  Losing my hair again.  When she suggested that I could really re-make myself-- I thought ...into what? Well, this morning I had the idea of going seriously punk the next time around.  Tattoo my head or something.  I'm open to suggestions (from anyone but MARCY!!!)

So I told you I would let you know what was going on when I knew -- NOW I KNOW!

You heard already about Feb 22 being the Houston return day-- Here is everything else in a nutshell:

Feb 22- March 4
Amy go through lots of tests and donate stem cells
Linda go through lots of tests and sign her life away
Linda chemo

March 5-10 
Amy stay with Linda 

March 10
Amy go home
Dan arrive

March 11
Linda gets admitted to hospital

March 14
Dan goes home
Bekah/Zack arrives

March 17 
Linda Transplant

March 25-31

Late April til June 25 
Linda gets out of hospital and stays at apartment in Houston with a caregiver

Many of you have asked how you can help with the caregiving process and I appreciate that so much. Bekah is going to be staying with me pretty much full-time from the beginning (and Dan is going to be down a few times as able)-- however she is deciding on a few weekends to be able to head back to Pittsburgh for a refresher and break... When we know those dates I will let you know. Our accommodations are for two people in the apartment-- but Dixie has flexible space that we are also able to use. (Bekah will be glad to have a break while in Houston too I'm sure.) In the meantime, if you have a caregiver in your life or at work, ask how you can support them.  

The year following the transplant will involve several trips back to Houston for tests and follow-up care.  Some of you may be wondering why I would want to have all this done so far away... well all I can say is that our journey has lead us to this.  When we found out in August that I had relapsed...quite frankly we weren't given much hope.  We came to Houston on faith (and with a lot of encouragement from my daughter BEKAH, as well as WENDY and MELANIE JOHNSON -- precious ones)  It has turned out to be a miracle -- giving me options that we didn't think I had.  Even though this has been a long time to be away from home I have been reminded constantly of God's leading, help, constant care and healing... not to speak of the 1,000,000 ways He has blessed me with work to do, family and new and old friends.  

So I finished my 34th infusion yesterday and now I have 1 month of no treatment-- just have to LOVE ON MY FAMILY and STAY HEALTHY AND STRONG (dive into my new paleo cookbook NOM NOM PALEO!!)  

Lots of love to you all, 